How to use Diabetes Connect

How to login for the first time

1. Open as web browser page and visit  -
2. Select Forgot your password? First time logging in? Click here!
3. Enter the email address you use for your Diabetes Australia membership.
4. Click ‘Send Password Link’
5. Go to your email account and open the email from Diabetes Australia – and click on
6. Follow the rules on the screen to create a password
7. Press update
8. Accept the terms and conditions (if you have not done so previously)
9. You will then be taken into Diabetes Connect




How to add a profile picture

1. On the left hand side of the Diabetes Connect home page click on the circle with your profile picture or letter of your first name.
2. On left hand side under the avatar click on the down arrow next to actions.
4. Click change picture.
5. Click select filed to upload.
6. This will take you to your computer files. Find where your image is saved and click open.
7. Resize, crop or rotate when happy click save then upload. 




Email and notification preferences 

1. On the left hand side of the Diabetes Connect home page click on the circle with your profile picture or letter of your first name.
2. Click the arrow next to "My Account"
3. Click "Forum Notifications"

Real Time (you’ll get an email for each discussion forum you are apart of every time something new is posted)
Daily Digest (you’ll get an email once a day for each discussion forum you are apart of)
Consolidated daily digests (you’ll get a summary email once a day regardless of how many discussion forum you are apart of) This is the option that has been selected via default.
Consolidated weekly digests (you’ll get a summary email once a week regardless of how many discussion forum you are apart of)
No emails (view the discussions online without receiving email alerts)

We recommended you opt in to receive one consolidated digest per day.  

Please follow the below instructions to set this preference. 

1. Scroll to "Notification Settings"
2. Under the "Discussion Email" heading press the down arrow for each discussion forum and choose "No Email". 
3. Tick the box under "Consolidated Daily Digest" next to each discussion forum and untick all boxes under "Consolidated Weekly Digest".




How to browse discussions, reply to a post, start your own discussion thread and more

Browse discussion posts
1. Once on the home page, you can scroll through your middle news feed.

1. Click on Browse
3. Click on Discussion Posts
4. Scroll down to see all discussions, in all the community forums that you belong

Reply to a post
1. When you have found a post you would like to reply to on the right hand side of the post click reply. Your reply can then be seen by all members. If you would like to send a private reply click on the arrow and choose reply privately. 
2. Type your response and when your happy click post. 

Start your own thread
1. Click on create from the top right hand side
2.Click on discussion Thread.
3. Select the Community Forum that you want to add to from the drop down list
4. Add in your Discussion subject then type your post in the box provided and click post.




How to join a topic specific discussion forum

1. From the home page scroll down the left hand side of the screen to the box called "My Connected Communities".
2. Click on "View all communities".
3. Change the second filter box from "forums to which I belong" to "Forums to which I belong or can join".
4. Click the blue "join" box for for the discussion forum you would like to join. 
5. Choose what email notifications you would like to receive. 

Our recommendation is the below:

Daily Consolidated Digest


Weekly Consolidated Digest

Don't Include

Discussion Digest 

I would like to opt-out of receiving email messages

By choosing these options you will receive one daily email with a summary from each discussion group you belong to.

6. Click "yes join the forum"

7. You now have access to this discussion forum. 




How install the Connected Community App

1. Install "Connected Community" from the App Store or Google Play.
2. Open the app and enter the domain "
3. Enter your email address and password that you use for Diabetes Connect.