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  • Posted in: Type 1 - Connect

    A really great post, Phil. As a type 2 I should be following all of those recommendations, but knowing and actually following are of course two different things. I do ok on most things except weight, with a constant battle with my GP. She wants my Hb1Ac ...

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    RE: Question of the week!

    Posted in: Type 2 - Connect

    Around 10-15 years ago, I could sense when my BGL was getting low; I would start to feel a little light headed and if it became too low, I would also feel "jittery". Unfortunately, in more recent times, I no longer get these sensations. ------------------------------ ...

  • Posted in: Type 1 - Connect

    We are all told and are aware that having type 1 diabetes is associated with an average reduced life expectancy, however, we also know that there is a cohort of type 1 diabetics that live a normal life expectancy with many living 50, 60, 70 years and ...

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  • Posted in: Type 2 - Connect

    Hi Natashe, Ange and Erin: I know when my sugar is low and just pop in two jellobeans into my mouth and after a couple of minutes I am OK. I just feel very weak but these is not something that happens all the time I think i have had it around 6 times ...

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