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Diabetes Connect

Diabetes Connect is the online portal for Diabetes YOUnited members, designed to help people living with diabetes and their carers connect with others, access exclusive resources, share their experiences, and more.

Not a member of Diabetes Australia? Join our Diabetes YOUnited community today to gain access to Diabetes Connect by following this link or calling us on 1800 177 055.

If you are a health professional seeking resources or information, please visit Diabetes Connekt, an online platform for Australian health professionals involved in or aspiring to deliver diabetes education and care delivered by the Australian Diabetes Educators Association (ADEA).

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    RE: NovoFine Plus needles

    I have been having issues obtaining the NovoFine 5mm needles for the last year. One chemist told me they had been sent Unifine instead in their NDSS order and they (to me) are hopeless. Now I purchase them when I am halfway through the box so I have time ...

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    NovoFine Plus needles

    The supply of NovoFine Plus Needles 32g x 4mm has become almost non existent. I have ordered a brand called DREW DAILY DOSE 32gx4mm and they are excellent offering the same unique properties of the NovoFine Plus. The NDSS CODE IS #338 Mel Byrnes ...

  • Me too, and would like to know about a recording if you have one. Thank you. ------------------------------ Anne Marie ------------------------------

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    Hearing loss and diabetes

    Hi. This is my first post since I joined. unfortunately I missed the seminar yesterday. Was wondering if there is a recording or paper I can download. Thanks. ------------------------------ Filippa Scardilli ------------------------------

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